"...provide highly-accurate forecasts for often very challenging weather phenomena."
About NextStorm - Company Overview
NextStorm, Inc. was started in December 2014, centered around patented short-term weather prediction technology that relies heavily on the use of geostationary satellite datasets within machine learning algorithms to provide from 0-2 hour forecasts (a.k.a. “nowcasts”) of pending weather threats and imminent changes. Since 2014, NextStorm, Inc. has exclusive rights to 7 patented algorithms, with several others on the way. NextStorm, Inc. was founded by Dr. John R. Mecikalski (Professor, Atmospheric Science Department), the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Robert H. Locklear.
The goal of NextStorm, Inc. is to provide highly-accurate forecasts for often very challenging weather phenomena, including thunderstorms and accompanying hazards (large hail, strong winds, tornadoes), first lightning, heavy rainfall, and satellite derived products. NextStorm’s technology also offers an ability to predict short-term, every 5 minutes, changes in cloud cover, solar radiation and other meteorological variables. In addition to geostationary satellite data, at 500 meters to 2 kilometer resolution, we also utilize weather radar and weather forecast model datasets within our prediction algorithms.
Let NextStorm help you become more weather aware.
Value Proposition
The products NextStorm provides are designed to increase situational awareness of pending thunderstorm and other weather hazards, and more importantly provide key lead time of up to 2 hours for hazardous weather such as heavy rainfall, hail, strong wind and lightning that cannot be provided by other real-time conventional meteorological weather data (specifically by radar and weather forecasts). Such lead times come from NextStorm proprietary algorithms that utilize the latest (GOES-R/GOES-S) satellites to "see" clouds developing prior to rainfall, lightning or other storm hazards appearing on radar. Weather forecasts provided by current weather models cannot yet predict clouds and rainfall at the exact time and place they will occur in nature. Users of NextStorm products therefore can provide early warning to pending weather threats, helping to save life and property. Specific market sectors we focus product development toward include risk management, construction industry, private aviation and transportation, events, the energy sector, and outdoor enthusiasts (e.g., boaters/hikers/campers).